7/28/24 Devotion

Revelation 19:1

“After these things I heard a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, “Alleluia! Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God!”

“Seeing things from a different perspective”

Today’s verse reveals to us the reasons we worship God. The kingdom of the Antichrist is destroyed and righteous judgment has already been poured out. God has judged true and righteously (Rev. 19:2). The host of heaven joins together to praise God.

In fact, there is a command given which is called “Hallelujah!” Four times this word is used in this passage of Scripture and it is not mentioned anywhere else. It seems that it is a special word reserved for such a special time when God will set up His kingdom here on earth and the elimination of the presence of sin. The word simply means “an adoring exclamation.” This word is so special that it contains the name of God. We worship God for three reasons:

1. Because of who He is (Verse 1, 6, 11, 13, 16)

2. Because of what He has done (Verse 2).

3. Because of what He will do (Verse 3, 15, 20, 21).

The Cherohala Skyway provides a wonderful view. Me and my wife have taken a few trips up there and the sunset is great. It’s a view that you can’t have when you are below the mountain. That’s what worship does. When we worship, we have a larger view of the work of God. We tend to see things a little differently because we are worshipping God. When we worship, we are on a higher plane. We have a different perspective. So let’s remember to offer a Hallelujah to our God.