8/4/24 Devotion

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.” Matthew 28:19-20

“Four commands and a promise”

Today’s verses reveal the delegated responsibility of the church of Jesus Christ. Christ, who completed His perfect work through His birth, life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension has elected the church to steward His ministry under His sovereign rule.

1. He commands us to go. We are called to go into society and culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our Lord has called us to be outward focused. We are sent just like Christ was sent by the Father to save people from their sins. We must promote a mindset that reaches others rather than focusing on church invitation alone.

2. He commands us to make disciples. We are called to train others to do the work of the ministry and to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ. Each believer is to help others grow spiritually through knowledge and obedience of the word of God. We must engage with one another and stir one another to good works.

3. He commands us to baptize disciples. Baptism is water immersion symbolic and representative of the work of Christ. It is a reflection of our saving position in Him.

4. He commands us to teach others to obey the commands of Christ. The thrust of this command is to propel other disciples into lifelong obedience to God. It’s not just teaching the Bible; it’s teaching them how to obey the Bible. Discipleship is fully engaging with the call of God in service to others and the spiritual disciplines such as prayer and evangelism.

5. He gives us the promise of His eternal presence. Through the power of God’s presence, we can accomplish the mission set before us. We are not on our own. God is with us to change the hearts of others and bring into repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

All of us should pray to be committed and obedient disciples. This is the work of each individual—to help others become more like Christ and train them to help others become more like Christ.

“Father, help us cooperate together to make disciples for you. Help us rightly divide the word of truth so that others may know you and they will, in turn, help others to know you. Help us Holy Spirit, in Jesus name. Amen