8/25/24 Devotion

Part of our mission at Chestuee is to reach the lost. As a result, we want God’s church to grow in numbers. We desire healthy growth that is conversion growth.

Sometimes leaving a church to go to another church is a good thing, especially if they are preaching heresy. Or of the family or individual has to move out of town because of career change. However, God’s church doesn’t actually grow through transfer growth.

For example, a fisherman does not drive his boat to another man’s boat and ask for his fish that is already caught. It would defeat the purpose of fishing.

We ought to seek conversion growth that leads to continual discipleship. Conversion growth is not the same as transfer growth. It’s important that we remember that.

Not all transfer growth is bad. However, some transfer growth can consist of bitter people who bring unresolved issues to another church. They are often looking for a church that fits their preferences and style rather than a place to serve. When you look for another church, make sure it’s the right reason.

The point is that we ought to be focused on reaching those far from God.